Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yippee!! My lyrics in RMKANICA'09

Hiya ppl!! you know what my exams for this semester are over (about two days before) and here is nandhu for her next blog.

Well, just a few days back, i got my copy of my college magazine(RMKANICA - that's what they call it). Ofcourse, that's not something special for me. But i just wrote my tamil lyrics for that magazine and it got published :)

So, here are those lines...

கல்லறையும் கோட்டையும் உன் கையில்
(The above lyric has a speciality..until now this is the one for which i took longest time to complete.. "an hour" .. but i personally feel it's worthy.. :) )

(so, what's special with the above's just close to my heart..i dedicated this to my mom on her birthday :) )

Well.. now am moving out for my cuz's birthday (of course, with my RMKANICA ;) )
So, catch you people in my next blog...
hey, wait.. wait.. do post your comments...

nandhu (d knurdy) :)


Naren said...

nice stuff... especially the first one. i can see why it took 1 hour... its really good.

Nandhu said...

@ naren,
thank u :)