So my semester exams are over but still i find it difficult to find time to blog. Anyways here i am. I just wrote a lyric some days back and here it is waiting for your comments :)
வாங்கிக் கொடுத்த மண் பொம்மையை,
விளையாட்டாய் சில நிமிடங்களிலேயேசுக்கு-நூறாக்கி விட்டு, ஒன்றும் புரியாமல்
சிரித்துக்கொண்டிருந்த தன் குழந்தையின்
முகத்தில் தெரிந்தது -
பசியுடன் பிச்சைக்காக கையேந்திய ஓர்
குழந்தையின் முகமும்...
அதன் கையை தள்ளி விட்டு பொம்மைக்கடையை
நோக்கிப் போட்ட விறுநடையும்...
Hmm what else?? Ya i wanted to share this...I went to my old-school for they had this exhibition whose theme was to explain a lot about India. There were many stalls describing about our farming-practices, nationalization of rivers and so on. But this particular sub-theme of "ancient India" caught my eyes. I always wanted to know more about it. Now temme who first designed the air-crafts?? if you think it was da-vinci??err..no..it was an Indian some long-long years ago. There were concepts of working of sub-marines, attacking an enemy's flying-craft in ancient India. Actually all these things have evidences in our ancient literatures.
And have you ever heard of "Vedic Maths"?? It's yet another greatest contribution by Indians who lived in the vedic-age (I don't think it's somewhere near and by using the word 'vedic', i just want to refer the period of time and nothing-else). Be it the theory that " plants can respond to stimulus, they can hear..." or the surgical tools used by sushruta, which were used around 600 B.C and are well-designed to suit the needs...i just don't have words...am AMAZED.
Am particularly interested in this sushruta for he mentioned about diabetes, leprosy,hyper-tension for the first time in medical histories. Can you imagine a retinal surgery? a plastic surgery? or a thermal cauterisation at those days??? He has treated people with all these techniques...GR8 :)
I knew we have had some of the greatest inventors but we actually have had some of the bests..but it's a sad-story that not all who found things left a written script :(
“Can we not read into them some justification for the belief that some former forgotten race of men attained not only to the knowledge we have so recently won, but also to the power that is not yet ours?” -Freddrick Soddy
Anyways, I thought it would be nice to share that we Indians have had some of the greatest civilizations and hence born was this blog :)
Do comment,
Shukran :)
P.S. In nandhu's dictionary shukran means "see you soon"...btw it's cool na :) ?
Right now: Am learning different ways to say 'bye', learning to speak Gibberish (if you are interested watch out You-tube video by Jessica..i think you wont regret),planning to learn some bus-routes...